What Is Your Business Birthright?
(By Gil Gerretsen) A few weeks ago I was at a local business event when I had a chance to sit down and visit with a client from many years ago who has gone on to accomplish some great things. During our talk he brought up a principle I have taught which he says he has never forgotten and which he said still guides him daily.
As we were talking, I realized that I have not written about it for many years, so I decided to once again bring it front and center.
It begins with a simple, but very direct question. Here it is:
If your national government appointed a business czar who was directed to go to every business and demand to know why that business should be allowed to continue operation, would you have a good answer to avoid being culled out or shut down?
Setting aside the politics of the question, isn't that really what the marketplace is doing every day?
This is my "Birthright Principle." It asks why you were born and what right you have to continue existing.
If you are unclear or unfocused in your answer, then you are likely facing near-term and/or future troubles. Your business might be wiped from existence. The marketplace does not support fuzzy businesses.
So, what might a good response look like? There are four essential components to a life-sustaining response.
First, you must exist to solve a particular problem. You were born to solve a problem and you must be clear and precise about what that problem is.
Second, you must explain why that problem happens. What triggers it? What makes it painful for people?
Third, you must be clear about why are you the best option to solve that problem rather than someone else? If someone else can do it too, then why not just have one or the other? What makes you the better option for people experiencing that problem?
Fourth, what would happen if you were not around? If your business ceased to exist, would anyone notice or care?
Once you have the answers to these four questions, put them into a short statement which could easily fit onto a 3x5 inch index card (not in tiny print).
Carry that card with you. It is your Birthright and should help you focus every one of your business behaviors from that day forward.
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