How To Handle A Business Plateau

(By Gil Gerretsen) Experiencing a business plateau is much like being on a drive and finding out that a key bridge is out. It will be months before it is repaired. The growth route you were planning to take has you stopped in your tracks. You only have a few choices:

FIRST, you can lean on your car horn in anger until crews finish their work. You might be there quite a while.

SECOND, you can just accept your fate and take a rest. Stay parked where you are until the bridge reopens.

THIRD, you can start aimlessly driving around to see if you can find another way. You figure there must be another option and maybe you will be lucky enough to find it.

FOURTH, you can check your GPS for options or ask one of the nearby locals, and then proceed to the new route.

It’s much the same in the life of an entrepreneur. Whether you are just getting started, well on your way, or getting ready to exit, there will be times where the bridge you expected is not available to you.

You can get angry. You can give up. You can hope for luck. Or you can get some skilled assistance.

Like a GPS, there are resources available that might offer a solution. Books. Magazines. Blogs. However, sometimes they lack the insight to address your unique situation or vehicle.

There are times when the experienced “local” knows the best way around the bridge and can point it out to you. In the course of my career I have learned to check with the “locals” when at a critical juncture. It’s saved a lot of time, money, and pain.

Don’t try to rely on yourself for everything. Hire a consultant, mentor, or coach as appropriate. You will get to your destination faster and with your sanity intact. I’ve had at least one for most of my career and it’s been the smartest move I made.

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Gil Gerretsen

President, BizTrek Inc. (for mentoring)
Author, GilBoards Newsletter (for encouragement)
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How To Handle A Business Crossroad


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